Building A Foundation - Words of Encouragement - KAM Family Botanics By Kesha

Building A Foundation - Words of Encouragement

In 2023, I decided I wanted to start my own backyard garden. I knew I wanted to plant seeds but I lacked the knowledge and the skills to do what I needed to. I did tons of research on how to get plants to grow and what types would survive in Texas. I felt frustrated trying to find the correct seeds, tools, and soil to start with. I wanted to rush through the entire process and at times felt like throwing away the whole idea but God continued to breathe a new wind into my resolve.

After the cold receded I began to finally till the ground. My ground tilling efforts lasted months, I was in despair that it would last years. I’m being a bit dramatic, but the soil had to be just right or my seeds would not make it. At some point I knew it was time to began planting seeds and so I did.


Every time I reached into my basket of seeds it felt like it would never be empty. A few times I wanted to throw my basket away but when that feeling seemed to overwhelm me God spoke peace into my spirit and I found patience. My basket was finally empty so I covered my seeds with dirt, tended them carefully, and watched as my seeds began to fully take root.

Over time I was afraid my tiny plants would die because there seemed to be endless days of heat, where the ground seemed to crack. After careful observation - I noticed they were growing so slowly!! I prayed for rain and guess what happened? It rained too much and my tiny plants looked like they were going to drown! I really wanted to give up at that point. Not only were my plants small and feeble looking they were not thriving in their environment. I felt like it was too much and none of it was worth it!


One hot day I stomped into the house feeling frustrated that I had put in so much work and was not reaping the benefits of it. I opened my Bible and Hebrews 10:36 stood out to me. “For ye have need of patience, that having done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” I was grateful for this word because I decided to apply it to my situation and stay vigilant in tending my garden. Amazing how the Bible can be linked to real life applications to help us cope, make decisions, and thrive.

At times we want to reap the reward quickly when building a foundation can take years. If you spent years working and making someone else’s dream be a success why would you not designate an equal amount of years sowing into your own? Don’t give up!

Galatians 6:9 and let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not

Happy New Year & God Bless

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